Haryana is divided into two areas in electricity distribution.
- DHBVN – Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, which covers districts in southern Haryana (e.g. Bhiwani, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hisar, Narnaul, Mahendragarh, Palwal, Rewari and Sirsa)
- UHBVN – Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam, which covers Panchkula, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Panipat, Sonepat, Rohtak, Jhajjar and Jind districts.
We would cover each division here so that anyone can pay Haryana electricity bills online.
DHBVN (Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam)
Residents of Southern Haryana (Bhiwani, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hisar, Narnaul, Sirsa and other cities which comes under DHBVN) can check their electricity bills, payment status online and can pay electricity bill online.
The process flow to make online payment of your electricity bills is as under :-
- Logon to DHBVN Online electricity bill payment website.
- Select Account number or K.No in account type field.
- Provide your account or K.No in next input field and click on Add button.
- If details are correct it would show you following bill details: Account No, Name, Address, Bill No, Bill Issue Date, Due Date, Net Amount, Surcharge, Gross Amount, Payable Amount. You can also view detailed bill here.
- Click on checkbox saying “Please update your Mobile Number and Email ID so as we can confirm Receipt of your Payment”
- Provide your mobile number and email address in respective fields.
- Click on Pay Now button and it would take you to billdesk payment gateway. There you can pay bill using debit cards (VISA, Master or Maestro debit cards), credit cards(American express, VISA or MasterCard), mobile wallet, cash cards (ICash card, Paycash, Oxigen Wallet and Vodafone M-Pesa) or using internet banking facility. 1% Charges on bill amount applicable on credit card/debit card/wallets/cash cards. Service tax at actuals applicable on charges.
- Note: Please View/Download the bill before Make Payment. After Make Payment, View Bill Feature is not available.
For viewing current and past bills, previous consumption, payment details, You can also visit this link: View past bills, consumption, payment History for DHBVN account
UHBVN (Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam)
Like DHBVN, UHBVN has also started accepting bill payments online. People living in Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra, Kaithal, Karnal, Panipat, Sonepat, Rohtak, Jhajjar and Jind districts will also be able to pay their electricity bills online.
Bill can be viewed and paid on this page: UHBVNL e-Payment Portal
Opened http://www.dhbvn.org.in/web/portal/registration
Found too much difficulty to register. I opened the new DHBVNL website to get details of old bill & to see the new bill.. To Register myself on the DHBVNL website there is an account number, which I have to register myself, BUT struck to see the SBM Number… What is this? Secondly, if I want to see the current bill & want to pay then necessarily I need to write my bill number. In this case if the bill is missing or not delivered to me, I can not make the payment.. This looks to be difficult. Secondly, how to register … is not defined any where. The website should be user friendly. Thanks Dr Anand
I am trying to pay my dhbvn bill but can successfully pls advice
Hi Panka,my k no.is 2213015802, please let me know my current bill amount,it has been paid or not,what is bill date.oblige.
how pay dhbvn electricity bill via wallet
unable to register new user. In uhbvn website for registration its asking about acccount number and bill no but When i enter my 12 digit account it mentioned error invalid format. My original bill having only 1 digit in bill no. but its required 12 digit. Please help me if you can..
Thanking You,
i am living in gurgaon on which website i should pay the bill
Dear sir,
Subject: Useless ac number to pay bill through online payment.
When I put my ac number to view bill, it shows wrong verification code. How it can be possible that verification code will wrong. when my ac number is taken by me from bill which has been given to me last two month before by UHBVN in electricity bill.
Rupam Sharma
Hi, I ask to register at RADPRP by DHBVN. pls help in give link where we have register and link my olc account numer
how to register is my question. what is the sbm bill no. kindly guide.
Bijli board officials not accepting cash above Rs.5000. Also not accepting chq above 15000/-. According to DHBVN call centre 1% extra online payments. Is this all correct ? Why panelise a consumer and what is the way out
Can some body clarify any limit on cash payment/chq paymebt for Elect bill at dhbvn. and official instruction circular ref etc.
Also whether 1℅ charges applicable on debit through internet banking/debit card where the benefiary gets instant payment from customer.
Can some body clarify any limit on cash payment/chq paymebt for Elect bill at dhbvn. and official instruction circular ref etc.
Also whether 1℅ charges applicable on debit through internet banking/debit card where the benefiary gets instant payment from customer.
I am not receiving registration activation code as email id mentioned is incorrect. Want to update email I’d but do not see any option or get into my account.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dear sir
My old account no is HHID-2739-A. But i can not able to pay my bill online becoz they says that ur account no is wrong . Plz help me regarding this issue.
Hello sir .
How i make my account on the DHVBN.
For payment
Reading are low but payment was high
so have the solutin sen me
thaks for you
Do i pay the bill of my brother means bill from his name and bank acct is mine. Is there any issue or i can do it ??
i don’t understand how to pay bill what is consumer number
? are u maddddddd all dbhvn developer
what is Ledger Code what is Sub Div Code
you provide us a video ur bill semple is very stupid
Hi Team,
I am going to register my account on DHBVN portal but it’s required 10 digit account number for registration that I don’t have. I just want to know my 10 digit account number. Please help me.
My Account number is : N37-C54D-0280A
I paid my home electricity bill by net it’s very easy and helpful of all