Get Regular Income with Monthly Income Plans If you are looking for monthly income return by investing one time & expecting a return better than Fixed Deposits without taking much risk, then the solution to all your anxieties is Monthly Income Plans (MIP). Continue Reading →
Best way to apply in SIP Best way is to apply directly to the Mutual Fund company as it will save your 2.25% money as If you apply thru any broker entry load of 2.25% will be cut. Continue Reading →
Best Income Tax Saving Mutual Funds I compared ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme) mutual funds on the basis of their AUM (assets under management) size and past performance in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years. Continue Reading →
Mutual Fund Investment with zero entry load, brokerage and service charge. As per guidelines of Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) via this circular, no entry load (usually 2.25%) shall be charged for direct applications received by the Asset Management Company (AMC) i.e. Continue Reading →